Giuseppe Alletto divides his research into three Acts like in the three narrative-symbolic movements of the Greek tragedy and of the epic narration.

In the first Act of his "corpus" of works, Alletto addresses the three fundamental themes of what Wagner defined as the "purely human": aggressiveness, eroticism and the relationship with the Sacred.

In the second Act, Alletto continues his artistic “narration” in a form that he sometimes defines as anthropomorphic or psychomitic, representing the consequences of mankind's action on earth until the moment of total Destruction.

The third and final Act of Alletto's art is finally characterized by some mysterious non-figurative visions or, as he uses to say, "aniconic" visions of a post-human dimension.

These artworks are dominated by absence as well as by an arcane serenity underpinned by vague references to music, harmony and to some futuristic surfaces and spaces seeming to yearn for a Rebirth.